Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our New Family

Things went just wonderful this afternoon!  We arrived at Chung Yi at 2:00 and spent about an hour with the staff at Chung Yi.  These are some of the kindest, most loving people I've ever had the pleasure to meet!  We spent time going through all the documents they had ready for us - including his birth certificate, passport, vaccination records and adoption papers.  We were also amazed and so excited to receive many photos and photo albums (including digital copies), school papers and certificates spanning his years so far in school, and an amazing scrapbook the Chung Yi staff made for Ming-Zong.

The staff was kind enough to give us a tour of Chung Yi, including the floor Ming-Zong lived on.  We met his roommates and friends and got to take pictures with them. 

We returned to the hotel a few minutes ago with two suitcases full of toys, clothes, albums, etc., a backpack full of additional loot, and most importantly OUR BEAUTIFUL SEVEN YEAR OLD LITTLE BOY!!! 

We are simply overcome with joy and pray for smooth transitions in the days to come.  We are planning to take him for pizza this evening and swim in the hotel pool after that.  For now I'm off to join my husband and son doing what else - playing on the Nintendo DS!  

Love to all - will post again very soon.  Thanks so much for sharing this joyous time with us!

Much love,

Erin  :)


  1. looks great, congratulations to this lovely family, i wish the best for you guys

  2. This is just so awesome! Look at those smiles!!!! Congrats and may the transition be smooth and you soak up every minute of this!

  3. What a beautiful day! We are overjoyed for the three of you!!!

    Love, Your Gladney Family

  4. What a beautiful family! Lots of love & excitement being together at long last! It sounds like a smooth transition is in progress already with the links to his past & future in place! <3

  5. Ernie and Miguel.... we are overloaded with love and pride ~ it's just ridiculous! Ming looks as on top of the world as you do. We just can't wait to see that picture of him sitting between you on the plane headed home. In the meantime, have a fabulous week of sightseeing and getting to know your son better. Ming-Zong, welcome to our family. You have no idea yet how much love and joy is waiting for you here! ♥♥♥ Wai Po

  6. Yeah!!!!!! Oh ya'll look so happy!!! You're a family! No more a couple but a family. So excited for ya!

  7. Todd and the kids and I are jumping up and down, some of us physically some of us more emotionally:-) Can't wait to meet our new cousin!!!!! Love you guys, LJ

  8. It's impossible to imagine more loving parents -- except for you of course, Mom and Dad :)

    I'm so happy for the 3 of you... Ming Zong has no idea what "advonchurs" lay ahead!!

    Can't wait to meet him in a few weeks!!

  9. So excited for the 3 of you and thank you so much for taking the time to share your journey with us. We love you and can't wait til you are all home. Kim & KK

  10. Wai Gong ready to see Ming-Zong!

  11. Holy cow Erin... now we know what it takes to get Dad online!!

  12. Erin,

    I just spent the last hour catching up on your journey. I'm so touched and getting teary-eyed So excited for you and your family. We bought Rosetta-stone so my husband can learn Chinese cause my daughter goes to Chinese pre-k. He'll learn on CD and practice on me and I just look at him and have no idea what he just said. Your Chinese is better than his. lol.

  13. I am praying through my tears! I am so excited that Ming-Zong will finally take his place with Mike and Erin who have loved him for such a long time. My prayer is that God will bless you all with a smooth transition into American life. I hope to see you all the next time I come to Midland.
    With love,

  14. Michelle DeFelice HaverlyAugust 18, 2011 at 1:31 PM

    I am crying....Erin and Mike, I can already see what such wonderful parents you are! Congratulations and much love to all of you! (let me know when you are ready to take your little guy on trip to can bring Uncle Marc, too)

  15. SOOOOOO excited to see that you are with Ming!! I know this has been a long journey, but the reward of having your son is finally here! Enjoy your trip and Ming - I can't wait to meet him :)

    Love you all,

  16. Amazing! Congrats just doesn't seem like a strong enough word! I am so happy for you!


  17. Mike and Erin,
    We are so so so excited for all of you! We can't wait to see that new cousin. Amber actually found out before I told her since she saw it on Facebook. Hopefully we'll see you all soon. He's a lucky boy!
    Darletta, Katie, Alex, Amber and Meagan

  18. Y'all look so happy! What a beautiful family! Can't wait to meet him!

