Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ming-Zong is Feng Kuang (Crazy) :)

Okay, I think Ming-Zong has heat stroke and has gone plum nuts!  :)  He and Mike are in the living area of our hotel room and he is in super silly mode.  First time I've seen this side of him and it's so cute.  We've progressed to a new Nintendo DS game and they are having fun.

New English words today include "a" and "y" (from the Nintendo DS buttons), "hello my baby" (from Spaceballs on TV), and "oh yeah" (we have no idea where he got that).

I think I am officially cured of complaining about Midland heat - Taipei may be the hottest place on Earth.  Mr. Yeh ran us around to various sightseeing areas from 10:30 to 3:00 and I thought we might just melt into puddles.  I am going to pray that not everything in the upcoming days is outside!

We are back at the hotel and relieved to have some downtime in the a/c.  Guess I'm off to rescue Mike from the crazy kid on the couch!  ;)

 All the McDonald's burgers here come with two patties.  I asked Mike to get me one with just one patty.  Apparently something was lost in translation.  :)

 Finishing his rice on a bench. 

 Mr. Yeh and his granddaughter at the Night Market.  She is adorable!
    Just wondering why this sign was necessary!?!?  :)


  1. Now that's my kind of hamburger... cut the beef! Cute pictures. xoxo M♥M

  2. We are so grateful you have this blog to keep us updated. I check it first thing when I get up and throughout the day just in case. LOVE hearing about what you guys are doing and the pictures. You can tell from the pictures and your stories that Ming-Zong is happy. Wish we could read his thoughts. Love the bathroom sign. I think I need that in my house for certain people. Love you, LJ

  3. LJ, for the last time, that was an accident!

    Great pics Ernie... sounds like y'all are having an awesome time.

    I can't believe you didn't tell us Mr. Yeh was the grandfather of Lily from Modern Family!
