Sunday, August 28, 2011

Building our Family at Home :)

We are so glad to be home!  Ming-Zong is dealing with some major jet lag and his sleep schedule is way off, but other than that is adjusting beautifully so far.  He really loves our dogs (even though he's still a bit scared of them) and really enjoys being near them.  He asked if our big dog Ruby could sleep in his room tonight!  We don't know how that will turn out, but are giving it a shot.  :)  We will be slowly transitioning him into school this coming week and are praying that will go well.  

1 comment:

  1. Erin! So sorry we missed you guys before you left Taiwan. It was so fun to meet you. Hope you had a good trip home. We just got home, everyone is incredibly jet-lagged. Please send me a friend request on FB so we can keep in touch. Hugs, Amy Mayfield
