Monday, August 22, 2011

Family Adventures

The last few days have been filled with many adventures, interesting meals, and a continued healthy dose of video games.  Mike is an amazing father and he and Ming-Zong are so close they're tied at the hip.  :)  We see more facets of Ming-Zong's personality each day - this is one crazy kid!  :)

 He did this all on his own and came running out of the bathroom.

 He takes extra cute pictures of himself.
 Ming-Zong is quite a photographer.  He picks out all kinds of shots to take and has a good eye for it. 
 In the zone
 Mike tried to let him finish this ride, but Ming-Zong preferred to get run over by his ba ba.

Visiting a wishing well with Gongzhan Wu, Vice President of Gladney and Scott Brown, Executive Vice President of International Programs.   

If I had been an adventurous eater like Mike, I would have tried the various dishes at this table which included "chicken", shrimp that were supposedly dead (eyeballs and legs still attached), shark meat, jelly fish, bean curd, bamboo, and sea urchin.  I decided to stick with my little bowl of white rice and held out for pizza and salad at dinner.  :)  Who knows, I may be missing out on some gooooooooood stuff, but I'm not going to let it worry me.  ;)


  1. I'm with you on the food Erin! Missing you and hope the AIT visit goes quick. Love you ! Mom

  2. That place on the coast looks awesome -- and you gotta love giant stuffed animals that you can ride and run over people with!

    I liked Ming Zong's smile on the tricycle thingy... he has many happy times ahead!

  3. So happy for you, Erin!!!
