Monday, December 6, 2010

Trip to the Zoo with Ming

Ming wants to carry all his own stuff - jacket, cold medicine, snacks, water and hat.  Mom offered to carry it for him several times, but he very much takes charge of his things.

He couldn't wait to get to the penguins.

Okay so about midway thru the zoo Ming took a picture with my camera and that was the last we had it in our hands before we said good night to him.  He was obsessed with taking pictures and figured out all the basic buttons to navigate between taking pictures, looking at the pictures and turning the camera on and off.

It was difficult to get him to put the camera down.  :)

And then he found the battery compartment for the camera!  Oh man, he took that battery out and put it back about a hundred times.  :)

And the battery is coming out once again...

We had a great time today.  Ming really came out of his shell as the day progressed.  He amazed us on several occasions.  He has figured out that he has to be crafty when trying to communicate with us.  He took a pencil at dinner and wrote an 'x o' on the paper, indicating he wanted to play tic-tac-toe.  Then at one point he was trying to talk to Mike and I and we were trying to figure out what he was saying.  He smiled and pretended to take a picture and we figured out he wanted to use our camera.  When we were doodling on a piece of paper he started writing math problems and showing us he could solve them.  Claire (social worker) thinks he knew numbers were something common between our languages because we had played Bingo on his birthday.  He's a very bright and creative little boy.  He is very social and outgoing once he feels comfortable in his surroundings.  :)


  1. Oh my gosh! How he's holding your hands!!! Love the stories about the camera and trying to communicate. I just don't know how you guys are holding it together. Looks like you had a great time.

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