Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ming-Zong's Birthday

Mr. Yeh, our driver, took us to a bakery to pick up this cake he ordered.  Huge (and very tasty from the one bite I had).

Ming really liked this singing reindeer.  We figured out he likes things that play music and have sounds.

Mike was key in breaking the ice with Ming.  He got right down and started racing cars with him and things progressed perfectly from there.

Even though this toy sings songs in English Ming was very engaged with it.

Ming wrote his name in Mandarin and then I added the letters.  They write the last name first.

We showed him pictures of our dogs and pages of family making silly faces.  Mom did an awesome job creating the album.

We raced cars back and forth for a long time.

Us with Ming, his social worker named Claire, and her supervisor.  We absolutely loved Claire and her supervisor.  Claire speaks beautiful English and is so loving with Ming.  We couldn't have asked for kinder or more supportive people to help us interact with Ming. 

We played tic-tac-toe and bingo.  He loves games.

Our first meeting with Ming went very well.  We met with the social workers first and they were able to provide us with some background.  Ming was very shy at first, but it didn't take him long to fully interact and respond to us.  Mike just got right down on the floor with him and started playing with the cars.  Ming thought Mike was funny and he laughed a lot.  Mike has worked to pick up a lot of words in Mandarin and used as much of the language as he could to bridge the language gap.  Ming has a lot of personality and is very active.  He's also very perseverent and doesn't count on others to do things for him.  When we had to change the batteries in one of his toys he just jumped right in and took care of it.  We are really looking forward to our trip at the zoo with him tomorrow!


  1. It made my morning to see these pictures! I was a little apprehensive about the language and cultural barrier -- but Ming's smile tells all. The 3 of you all deserve each other, and I pray that it works out...

  2. Thank you, Tubby! Wish you could be here! I thought about you several times and how good you are with Morgan and Bryant. You would of course love Ming and I can envision he and Bryant running around together. :) Now we just have to pray, pray, pray he can join our family. The social worker says he is a bit naughty, so he would fit right in with our crazy crew. ;)

  3. Erin, I love seeing these pictures. Thanks for sharing them. It looks like you all are having a blast, and Ming looks like he is very comfortable with you guys.

  4. Thank you, Sylvia! We feel very blessed and plan to enjoy each and every minute we get with Ming. :)

  5. How exciting! He is smiling cheek to cheek. You can tell how much fun everyone is having! Whoo Hoo!!

  6. We really did have fun! It will be nice to get out into a space today where we can run around a bit.

  7. I've looked at these pictures several times today and get all teared up every time. Love his smile. I knew it wouldn't take him long to be comfortable with you. I was thinking the same thing about Ming and Bryant running around together. Its so hard not to tell him and Morgan what is going on. Where did you get that Snoopy shirt? Morgan must have one !!!! Can't wait to hear about the zoo.

  8. LJ, you all are in my mind so much as we are with him. A big, loving, happy family is exactly where this boy belongs. I can see he and Bryant playing Lego Star Wars/Batman together! :) I think I got the shirt at Walmart. :) Love you!
