Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mandarin Class

Well, starting to worry we won't hear anything before the Chinese New Year begins.    I think things shut down for a week or two once the celebration gets going.  Looks like things kick off on February 3rd.

Mike and I started a beginners Mandarin course on Monday at UTPB.    We will go Monday through Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 for the next four weeks.  A professor and two of her students flew in from Taichung, Taiwan to teach the course.  The professor will only be here a week and then she will return home in time for the Chinese New Year, but her two companions will stay to teach the remainder of the course.

A young lady sitting next to us was adopted at 5 years of age from somewhere in China.  She has 5 siblings who are also all adopted (from various countries) by a local doctor and his wife.  She's a senior this year and wants to learn Mandarin before she visits China for the first time.  

Mike has already picked up a lot of Mandarin words and phrases.  He's been working so hard to soak up as much of the language and its origins as he can since we returned from Taiwan.  He just amazes me!  Hopefully I'll be able to pick up some basics over the next month. 

Praying every day we will hear something - it's been especially hard waiting since the first ruling was reported.  Just hoping Ming-Zong is still thinking about us and the week we spent together!

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